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Let's Rant - Types of Teachers

I thought I might start another series thingy, because I can. I will probably post this stuff from Mondays to Wednesdays or whenever something annoys me! Here is a little overview of what might happen in this series of posts. I will pick a subject and rant about it. I don't know whether they are relatable in the slightest, all I know, is that they freaking annoy me! So let's start.

Today, I thought I would rant about teachers and just school punishments in general. The bizarre habits of teachers came to my attention today, when I was told that if I got given a yellow card for talking, I would have to go in the "zone of reflection". Yeah, you read that right. She said it as a joke but soon enough, some people (maybe including me... shhh) were put in the "zone of reflection" after being demonstarted a yellow card like a crazed football match. The "zone of reflection" was a place where you just stand there and don't talk. It is SOOOOO fun! But I guess it works, I didn't go back in there again.

This just made me think about the different ways that different teachers punish and act towards students. All schools have some policies and of course, EVERYONE must follow them, but it is interesting to see some teachers deal with problems in their own way and how the lessons go.

First, you have the teachers who have been there for a while, they like to stick to the basics: a child talks, they get shouted and and asked to leave. For them, talking back is basically like slapping them in the face, with a chair. Their authority is their greatest asset. It makes sense really, they have sort of climbed their way to the top. But sometimes, they don't really adapt to the new rules, so if you get in trouble for something you shouldn't have, or you get the wrong punishment, you can't say anything. But there is not much you can do about that! They can be great teachers, like most of these, but sometimes they get a bad rep from the students because they were punished for something they shouldn't have been punished for. These teachers do that pacey thing around the class to see what you are doing, otherwise, you just have to write a lot of stuff in silence while they manage something. Oh yeah, with these teachers, it is likely that you will get a lot of writing to do. I don't ever know if it is because they are old fashioned or if they just want some time to themselves. Oh well!

Then we have the opposites, the young teachers just imported from as many universities as I can think of. They have a new, modern approach to things. This group varies a lot though, there are a few who come in with a lot of confidence, they lay down the law which we know better than them! Then there are the ones who believe that nuturing is better than punishing. The whole "reward for good" rather than punishing for bad. This has it's perks, but sometimes kids need to be punished, just like they need to be praised. Sometimes those teachers get more trouble and the students take advantage, poor things. But sometimes they can be great teachers, I like to give them a chance.

Then we have the decievers. Yes, I know, we shouldn't judge people by their looks or how they talk, I should know, but you can't help but be a little shocked when a mousy looking teacher can really shout. Sometimes male teachers can seem scary, but really they are amazing teachers and are super nice. I guess it is all a matter of getting in their good books. But the other decievers, well, they are a strange sort of scary. The worst is when you just start in year 7 and you expect no punishement from a little mousy teacher until BAM, you cross the line and all hell breaks loose. But at least then, you know not to mess with them. You can get in their good books too, but there is always that general discomfort when someone near you gets properly shouted at. It makes me cringe.

Next we have those teachers who have a lot of potential, but in some cases they are the worst teachers, from an academic view. Sitting by the computer checking their emails and not really teaching the students anything. To some students, these teachers are the best, because they don't do anything for a long period of time. But in my eyes, I don't really see the point. When I say that everyone thinks that I love all the work and I hate being social in class and all, but I am not like that. I just like to learn in a way, I look forward to the future and how far I want to get is only limited to how far I want to go presently. Eduaction in Britain is paid by British citizens, be it relatives (if you are going to a private school) or the public (if you go to a state school) and all, so don't waste their money!

I don't really know what a perfect teacher would be, but I think there is a thin line. It is really hard to be a teacher, in my mind, despite what most students think, because they need to manage a bunch of individual and free-thinking beings. Every teacher can be amazing, if their student is willing to learn. But unfortunately, if every kid wanted to learn, there wouldn't be many problems in eduacation.

So that is my rant, I hope you enjoyed, you probably found it boring. I guess expressing my view has become a part of me that I can't really avoid. I just wanted to cover some of the types of teachers, because they stand out a lot. Of course, there are others, and I might write about them later. Well anyway, thank you for letting me dawdle in my passage of words until I was basically just rambling.

It's been great talking to you,

see you later.

Lauren x

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