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Let's Rant- Beauty stuff

Alright, I haven't posted one of these in a while, sorry. But I wanted to talk about a few things related to beauty that ave really been bugging me.

1. Nail painting.

I am literally useless as painting my own nails. I have been trying to stop biting them (Bad, I know) and they are in REALLY bad condition, but I just HATE painting my nails! I am all wonky on my right hand. I actually feel quite bad for my right hand, it does ALL of the work to make lefty look nice, but then lefty makes righty look like crap... fun times. I just CAN'T do it! Plus I am really impatient so what do I do when I am waiting for the polish to dry? I smudge them of course! And then I paint over them and they look all disgusting and cakey. Ew. Worst part is, I can paint other people's nails really nicely, infact, when I went on holiday 2 years ago, I opened my own nail parlour for all of the girls (and a few boys) to come and get their nails painted by me. Cool story Lauren, literally no-one cares. But yeah, I hate it with a passion. Also, all my friends can paint their nails really nicely (e.g my two friends Maya and Ellen who I am really jealous of, ergg) so everytime I see them I'm like "errmaagurrdd I want awesome colours on my phalanges! UNFAIR! (BTW phalanges means fingers, look it up)

2. Having long hair, in general.

I guess this one isn't as bad, but it just annoys me sometimes. All throughout my life I have grown my hair (except when I was four and had the cutest bob eva, so jel of 4 year old me, WORK IT!) and sometimes it is just annoying. Mostly because it gets knotty SOO quickly, and I just DIE after PE lessons. No seriously, I look like a drowned rat... it's scary. I wake up in the morning after oversleeping (I live 2 mins away from school, so HALLELUJAH that doesn't make me late) and my hair is just a mess. I brush it and comb it and do a tonne of stuff to it and it still looks like poop. Another thing about my hair is that it gets really greasy after exercise... I know, ew. Not like sweaty, but greasy. So I can't d anything about it unless I want to have a shower in the hobo showers! EW! But long hair can be great, I just never know what to do with it, unlike my friends (Maya and Ellen again, literally so jelous) I can't do plaits, I can't do ANY! And plaits just get everything out of your face whereas I end up with what looks like a mop on my head. Thank you science.

3. Makeup shops.

Again, not all my drugstore experiences have been terrible, they are usually great, but there are a few times when they annoy me. I always get self consious in places where they sell makeup, just because I am very short and although I am not "baby faced" and I don't look like a kid up close, my height doesn't help. I talked about this in my "being short" video but I thought I would address it again. Women always look at me, I just feel their GAZE on my back! They just look at me like "what is a 9 year ol doing buying concealer?" GOSH I HATE IT! But the worst is when someone actually talks to you, like one employee did in Primark once. Obviously he was new and meant no harm but I was cruising around the ladies section, fondling socks and fabrics, you know how it is, and this employee just says to me "the kids section is over there" and points like some army soldier. I didn't even look lost! I was picking up some shorts! URG! So I walked out, only to creep back in and try to avoid him, thanks Primark employee. Also, I know Primark is not a "makeup shop" that was just an annoying experience.

4. Makeup in class

Let me clarify, this doesn't mean makeup in school, I mean SPECIFICALLY in class. I am all cool for wearing some makeup to school (as long as you don't look like a lunatic because your eyebrows look like snakes or your mascara smudged EVERYWHERE) and I do, because it makes me feel more comfortable in my own skin I guess. But when you are swamped by girls putting on masses of mascara on in the bathroom, it gets annoying. Or, as I dread seeing, when someone applies makeup In CLASS. Like seriously, give a teacher enough respect to listen to what they say instead of doing your eyebrows. I have seen this happen very little times but I have heard that it happens in other schools too. It just doesn't look great.

So that is it! Of course I adore most things beauty and I might write a post about that too, but these are just a few things I don't really like in terms of beauty. I hope you enjoyed and found it easonably entertaining... I am in quite a humourous mood because THE SUN HAS COME OUT YAY! Oh and also, before I forget, thank you so much for 100 + followers on my blog instagram account! It's so cool that over 100 people could be reading this. I know it sounds lame but whatever floats my boat. I might bring in a comments section to my blog so let me know if you think it is a good idea through Instagram or twitter or any way that you like! Thanks!

It's been great talking to you,

see you later.

Lauren x

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